Afternoon on the Water, Kailua, Oahu, 6 x 8

A hot afternoon painting in the shade on Kaelepulu Canal in Kailua. The mountain range is the Ko’olau’s, rising dramatically behind this community on the windward side of Oahu. The light on the water and the reflections of the Ironwoods in the left foreground attracted me to this scene but I think the detail of …

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“Flagtail Lookout”, 7 x 9, oil on panel

As I write this, we are in the grip of an Oregon Winter. The days are short, with the sun rising at 7 AM and setting at 4 PM. The long days of Summer are a distant memory, and yet, as I study this painting I remember the buzz of insects and the late morning …

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“Kaneohe Bay from He’eia” , oil on panel, 12 x 8

He’eia is a park on a point that reaches out into the ocean on the North Shore of Oahu. It has a a view of Kaneohe Bay and the Ko’olau Mountains. The Ko’olau’s are an ancient volanic formation with deep dramatic valleys, forming a surface like curtain folds across the range. The sun hits them …

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