Alla Prima Portrait Painting Workshop with Joanne Mehl – COMPLETED

A 3-Day Workshop with a Live Model

October 9th – 11th, 2020 • 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, Oregon

$375 ( includes model fee)

To register, please visit:

Professional portraitist Joanne Mehl offers a three-day workshop that intensively develops the fundamental skills of Alla Prima Portrait Painting. From seeing and blocking in a quick and accurate drawing, to mastering warm cool balance and creating lifelike flesh tones, participants will develop the skills needed for creating evocative Alla Prima portraiture.

Many artists struggle with the creation of realistic flesh tones in portrait and figure painting. Due to human skin reflecting light and color, the acute observation of warm and cool tones, and the perception of subtle changes of hue are required. Also crucial is the ability to group values in order to create the illusion of form.

Beginning with the proportions of the head, Joanne will introduce methods for measuring and seeing proportions and alignments in the initial phase of “laying in” the portrait.

On the second and third day of the workshop we will focus on the subtle color changes within the light and shadow areas, and how to express them while maintaining the value pattern for stronger form and design. We will also explore more advanced painting concepts such as the use of hard and soft edges to accentuate form and using brush strokes to create structure and interest.

Using demonstrations and personal attention while working from the live model, students will learn:

• The ideal proportions of the face and head.

• How to measure and compare proportions and see alignments for greater accuracy.

• How to mix your initial flesh tone colors from a full palette.

• How to block in your painting using three values.

• How to step back and correct your drawing while you paint.

• How to see and compare values while working in color.

• How to see and compare warm and cool flesh tones.

• How to adjust flesh tones from warm to cool and cool to warm.

• How to use brush strokes to create structure and form.

Note: If workshop enrollment has not reached the minimum numbers by one week before the workshop start date, the workshop may be cancelled. In this case all enrollees will be notified and their fees refunded.

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